Hey yall. this is my first entry, so it might be a little crusty but please bare with me.
A while ago not too long, I got a new manga book from the vintage stock and boy was that a great idea.: DEATH NOTEEEEE!!!!
I've had two work days this month so far and I love when we have orchestras that visit and play in the auditorium, because first of all, they are so respecful. and second, they sound awesome. not too long ago, I had a shift where I was working backstage and it was a talent show. someone sung 'Fly me to the moon' by frank senatra, (uhm AWESOME!) and I was flabbergasted. I also heard someone playing elvis.
The mall where I live is pretty close to its ends, so i wanna go to that specific vintage stock as much as I can before its gone. I’ve been hearing of this other mall that seems to be everyone’s favorite so I might just start going there instead…or not, because it sounds like they might be a lil crowded. But then again, I like people when I'm feeling haywire. I’ve been researching this college I’m interested in, but if I want to go to this specific college, I’ve got to get decent grades. I’m totally cheeks at tutoring when it comes to math and other things like spelling because as I’m typing this, I’ve made at least over ten spelling mistakes before correcting them. Now this is different because I’ve got a computer to point out my obvious mistakes but let me write a paper essay and it won’t be English.
Anyways, thats all i got to say for now. hope yall have a blessed and safe day.
peace OUT!